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This unique and powerful massage technique will boost circulation and health for the bones and muscles of the face. Your facial immersion begins with a gentle manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage to ready the face and tissue for treatment. Incorporating products chosen and blended for your individual skin, the face and décolleté are cleansed and prepared for treatment. The NeoLifting™ facial massage sequence is used to soften the muscles and strengthen the bones of the face, boosting circulation and even further lymph drainage. This technique includes a thorough, and gentle, buccal massage (intra oral), providing relief from tense muscles in the jaw, lips, and surrounding tissues. A hybrid tonic and nourishing masque is freshly blended for your skin’s needs. Application of a potion of serums followed by LED LightStim™ ProPanel session for absorption. Completing with moisture, sunscreen, and a scalp massage to ready you for your next adventure. Awaken! (First treatment with me? Please allow for extra time to discuss skincare goals).


NeoLifting© Facial

Literally, the most satisfying facial I have ever experienced. NeoLifting by Donna is an intrinsically high quality craft like none other. As a seasoned facial/skincare connoisseur, I am so impressed with the profound results. The fact that my face is actually lifted and restored to youthfulness is mind blowing. I leave in awe every time because my skin and soul feels so deeply nourished. Exactly what I needed and I am thankful to have found my way to
Aesthetic Alchemy-- highly recommend!
                                                          ~~ Meghan


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540 Soquel Avenue, Suite 9
Santa Cruz, CA, 95062

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