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Your facial immersion begins with a gentle manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage to ready the face and tissue for treatment. Incorporating products chosen and blended for your individual skin, the face and décolleté are cleansed and prepared for treatment. A flurry of massage techniques and movements (some directly from the NeoLifting™ technique) to soften the muscles and strengthen the bones of the face, boosting circulation. A hybrid tonic and nourishing masque is freshly blended for your skin’s needs. Application of a potion of serums followed by LED LightStim™ ProPanel session for absorption. Completing with moisture, sunscreen, and a scalp massage to ready you for your next adventure. Awaken! (First treatment with me? Please allow for extra time to discuss skincare goals).

Nourishing Facial Treatment in Santa Cruz, CA

Donna has a healing touch and pours love into everything she does. Her space is so beautiful, comforting, and welcoming. I feel like I deeply exhaled when I walked in. And I left my facial feeling so relaxed and cared for. My skin was beautiful too. Donna really knows her stuff. Great facial, great products, great experience. I just came back for more of her products to add to my collection.

I had the best facial here. 

Aesthetic Alchemy’s signature nourishing facial treatment is a testament to their dedication to skin health. Harnessing the power of nature coupled with cutting-edge technology, this treatment delivers deep nourishment to your skin. It’s more than just a facial—it’s a rejuvenating experience that caters to your skin’s unique needs.

The treatment employs meticulously selected products, each packed with potent vitamins, minerals, and hydrating agents. These ingredients work synergistically to restore the skin's natural balance, reduce inflammation, and provide intense hydration. The result? Radiant, healthy skin that glows from within.

Welcome to Aesthetic Alchemy, a premier skincare clinic nestled in the heart of Santa Cruz, CA. With a philosophy rooted in holistic wellness and a scientific approach to skincare, Aesthetic Alchemy is committed to delivering transformative results.

The Power of Nourishment

During the session, which typically lasts about an hour, you'll experience a combination of soothing massage techniques and targeted treatments. The therapist will gently cleanse and exfoliate your skin, followed by the application of a nutrient-rich mask. This is then complemented by the use of advanced technology that enhances the absorption of the nourishing ingredients.

Aesthetic Alchemy's nourishing facials offer a holistic and effective approach to skincare. It’s about nourishing your skin from within, providing it with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. So why wait? BOOK your session today and embark on a journey towards healthier, more radiant skin.

What to Expect

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540 Soquel Avenue, Suite 9
Santa Cruz, CA, 95062

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